Aulas de COREANO on-line
Whether you want to learn Korean in one-to-one lessons or as part of a small group of up to 8 people (closed or open groups are available), our Online Korean Courses are the perfect way to learn from the comfort of home or anywhere in the world. Every course is personalized according the needs and level of the student or students, and bookings start from 10 hours of teaching time.
Um resumo de nossos cursos de Coreano on-line
- Disponíveis para alunos de qualquer nível
- Personalizado para atender todos os seus requerimentos
- Flexibilidade nos horários
- Professores capacitados e nativos de Coreano

Aulas de Coreano de curso geral
Whether you are a novice or have had lessons before, our General Korean Courses are perfect for anyone who wants to study online to use Korean to communicate with native speakers in everyday circumstances. As an Asian language with unique characters and pronunciation, Korean can be difficult at first, particularly for Western speakers. But our tailored courses are designed around your learning needs and interests to ensure classes are fun and engaging. In your classes, you will acquire the skills to speak, write, and understand the language in common scenarios, and the vocabulary and grammar knowledge to develop your learning over time.
Students new to Korean will begin with survival classes, in which the majority of each lesson will focus on understanding the characters, how to pronounce common sounds, essential words, and phrases, and how to accomplish simple tasks and indulge basic conversations. More advanced learners will spend more time learning more complex vocabulary and grammar, role-playing advanced scenarios, and learning the words and expressions most appropriate to their course objectives.
Estes são os preços para os principais idiomas (inglês, espanhol, alemão, italiano e francês). Para outras línguas, os preços podem ser um pouco mais altos.(€340,00)
EXTRA STUDENT (2 or more): $5 / HOUR
Você gostaria de estudar Coreano de maneira on-line junto com pessoas do mundo todo que tenham os mesmos interesses que você?
Confira os grupos abertos de aulas de COREANO da Language Trainers Connect!
Está pronto para viajar e fazer amigos de várias partes do mundo?
- Mais de 80 línguas ensinadas por professores de alto nível
- Aprenda no conforto e segurança de sua casa de maneira presencial
- For business, travel, or social purposes

Aulas de Coreano de linguagem para negócios
South Korea is quickly becoming an important business and commerce hub in Asia for the rest of the world, so knowing the language is a great way to help establish professional relationships with locals and other businesses, as well as apply for jobs. Our Online Business Korean Courses are the perfect choice for anyone who wants to work in Korea, as well as some regions of China and Russia.
But your lessons will not only focus on teaching you the language skills important to your particular field of interest or expertise. In addition to learning how to do your current or desired job in Korean, we will also teach you critical cultural and workplace etiquette lessons, including how to greet people in the office appropriately, expected work behaviors, how to sign off emails and letters, etc.
Every course will be customized to your specific industry and requirements, although we ask that groups agree common objectives before attending the first class, to ensure your teacher can plan the most appropriate syllabus possible.
Estes são os preços para os principais idiomas (inglês, espanhol, alemão, italiano e francês). Para outras línguas, os preços podem ser um pouco mais altos.(€340,00)
EXTRA STUDENT (2 or more): $5 / HOUR

Comece suas aulas on-line hoje, com a Language Trainers!
Nossos cursos são personalizados de acordo com todas as necessidades e requerimentos de nossos clientes, independentemente de o aluno ser iniciante ou avançado na língua.
Contacte-se connosco hoje para reservar uma aula experimentalWe are hiring Coreano teachers. If you have experience teaching Coreano online
Send us your resume or CV